Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Dodge Power Wagon: 1941 WC-16

The Dodge Power Wagon Rally was June 10-13th in Fairfield, IA, the home of Vintage Power Wagon (the best place to pick up parts).
C's is the first one in a long row that lined three sides of the city's square.

The inside - automatic transmission, some bells, and a lot of fabrication. Saturday was definitely a jeans and boots day.

After mudding - C was so proud, but had to give the WC a rinse off before the parade.

Oh, and it mudded well. It's a great truck and it made us proud through the mud.

More mud and I love the DPW bumpers!

Front end in the mud.

After getting through the worst of the mud! There was a lot of towing and winching, but C made it through after carefully surveying the mud ruts!

End of the mud ruts!

Dirty, but clean. That makes sense, right?

Tough tires, but C wants different ones.

We had a lot of fun (especially C!) and plan on returning (with the dogs) next year!

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