Thursday, May 21, 2009

Damage Again? What This Time?

What is this, you ask? Did the giant green HULK try to bust through our garage door?
No, but this certainly appears that way. And why are C and brother J so unafraid of the HULK-like (almost) break in?

Because the HULK never came. Brother J drove the Dodge Power Wagon into our garage door. In his defense, later, a few weeks later, the brakes went out completely with no injuries to anyone or anything. But imagine, if you will, that you are me. You just got home from work and are talking to your mom on the phone as you pace up and down your side porch. You see the boys, C and J come up the driveway in the Dodge. Your eyes follow the truck and for a split second you assume that J is going to have to stop the truck rather quickly, as it is getting really close to the garage door. Then, the Dodge does not stop and keeps going into the garage door, which did, of course, stop it. You get off the phone with your mother and walk towards the boys in disbelief. They are laughing hysterically.

The only real damage done to the Dodge. C had the paint touched up less than a week later.

Brother J, still slightly hysterical, but mostly sheepish. C and J fixed the garage door that evening, so no harm, no foul, I guess.

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