Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's not like I haven't blogged before; I am what they might call experienced in this art. This blog is about us, C and me, and our life now. We are renewing what it means to us to live in the here and now and thinking about what the future holds. Our life is full of friends, family, animals, vehicles, and whatever else comes our way.

Two weekends ago: March 7, 2009

C is trying to use both my cell phone (far superior) and his cell phone, but mine wins. I just thought this was a funny picture. For a country boy, he sure is attached to his phone.

He got the phone working, obviously. This may also be one of the few pictures of the Ham Shack.

Bella girl panting in the back of the Dodge Power Wagon, Boris around his dad's feet. C is still on the phone.

You've got Bella and Porter in the back of the truck.

G, C's dad, was so nice to lift Bella out of the back of the truck (she had surgery earlier this week). Unfortunately, she is an awkward 90 pounds or so, and G wasn't pleased with the time I made him carry her in order to get a picture. Boris and Porter just wonder what kind of game they're playing.

Good picture of the running boards and the rear fender of the Dodge Power Wagon. That blue heeler is actually Loki and she belongs to G.

G thinks he is funny taking a picture of me taking a picture. Also a good shot of the Dodge; Bella, Porter, and Loki are in the bed.

Complimentary photo of Boris the Blue Heeler.

Complimentary photo of Bella Girl.

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