Sunday, February 25, 2018

When we welcomed little A earthside [part 1]

The plan for baby #3 was always to have a repeat caesarean birth, as I’d delivered I and V that way as well. We briefly considered looking for a doctor who would support us in a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean), but they are rare and there is still a chance that the attempt would result in a caesarean birth (funny, though, the doctor we heard would be willing to attempt a vaginal birth after two caesareans was the one who delivered baby I).

When we found out we were pregnant (a whole other story), I decided to change doctors to one that I’ve known for the last 12 years and felt really comfortable with – game changer. My doctor was a kind, empathetic, intelligent man that spent time encouraging us – and his nurse was just as great! I pulled “my” doulas in quickly this time and signed up for their postpartum services since I wouldn’t be laboring this time. We were due mid-February and set a surgery date for 40 weeks. We were ready.

Except, I went into labor early Sunday the week the caesarean birth was scheduled on Wednesday. Labor started early am and I began to wrap up work emails at 5am during 10-15-minute breaks in contractions. I let C sleep, which must be a theme now, from V’s birth! He woke up around 8am and we headed to the hospital after I took time to pack a bag. My assumption was that since labor had started, I should go to the hospital and we’d wait a bit and then the doctors would do the surgery – we’d meet our new little person THAT DAY!

[Part 4]

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