Friday, May 18, 2012

Belly Evolution

For those who wanted a visual.

Our journey to this pregnancy began in the fall with my belly.
The bruises are from the shots of medication I needed to inject each evening.


Below: I thought I was really showing, but I don't think I'd even told work about our pregnancy yet.
About 16-17 weeks?

26 weeks?  There was a lot of growth around this time.


 Maybe late 20s/early 30s?  Very red belly!


28 weeks and Mom thought I should wear my shirt out in public like this.  I did not.  I felt it looked a little too Easter egg-ish!

28 weeks: Ignore the facial expressions!
Below: 32/33 weeks pregnant.

 Late 20-something weeks?  Canada tee shirt for BIL D!

Mom took this one of C trying to make the baby move.  He's usually successful.

Just a funny one of the three of us in the living room.

I'll try and get a few more recent pictures for those who are interested!


annaO said...

So fun. Love your cute little belly. You may think you look huge, but you don't at all. Super cute.

the barnes family said...

Love it! So excited for little bundle of cuteness to arrive!