So, I've been a little MIA with my W Lists. There's been A LOT going on here. And that's my best excuse. I can't remember all that I've read in the past five months, but here are a few:
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley, MD ~ It is a little out there in a granola fashion, but for the most part, it pointed out why some of the current birth trends and interventions are not ideal, because our bodies really do produce and lead us in the direction best for us and best for baby. And for those who put stock in these things, the author is a GP who has delivered babies, as is her husband. They chose home as the best location for all four of their births. Interesting read. NF
Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern ~ I definitely wanted a book with the details of which essential oils were safer in pregnancy and for newborns and not only did she deliver, she strongly advocates for pure oils, such as the ones sold by Young Living (who we are huge fans of). For me, the best part is when the author also discusses the special blends that YL produces, among my favorites are Peace & Calming, Gentle Baby, and Valor. I probably need this book as a quick reference guide because it has an alphabetized index of what to use for specific ailments & maladies. NF
Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize ~ I can definitely see where this author's uplifting message (discovering God's promises for conception and birth) can help women. Not me so much. Then again, I'm not fully sold on faith being the answer to every problem because I think that always places blame squarely on those who are trying to be faithful. I did find this book interesting in a mind-over-body type fashion because there is something to be said for those who are raised in such a way that birth isn't fearful or even that painful. NF
The Magnolia League by Katie Crouch ~ This must be a YA book, but I can't remember specifically, because there was the idea of selling your soul (freedom) for beauty (long life? safety?) within a southern society. I enjoyed all of the details and hoodoo magic, but not the wishy-washy decision making of the main characters. F YA
Pregnancy Cooking and Nutrition for Dummies by Tara Gidus ~ This one was a great guide and reference - and we all even know that I hate what the "Dummies" label insinuates. Heavy on the protein, calcium, and vitamin D for the pregnant folk. Recipes in the back. Throw lots of antioxidants and leafy greens into the mix! NF
All twelve Sookie Stackhouse novels, plus two companion short story/info books by Charlaine Harris ~ I needed a distraction and we all know these aren't the most highbrow reading selections. I did read something like 2500 pages in a week though! Easy reading :-) I enjoy the strangeness of the telepath/vampire/shifter/fae worlds and how Harris weaves them all together just beneath the humans that are sure they are the only ones. I think, due to Sookie's love life craziness, Harris needs to wrap things up soon. F
All Babies are Born by Cathy Gordon ~ Cathy is actually one of three midwives at New Birth Center. She has Experience with birth (capital E necessary) in all conditions and in this collection of personal experiences all over the globe, she shares with us. Compared with what she has done and seen (delivering premature twins in Africa, knowing that with technology and equipment easily accessible in industrialized countries, but not there, they would have likely lived), a fully staffed and equipped birth center with fairly healthy pregnant moms must seem about perfect. NF
Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin ~ Work in progress, about 60? pages in? Good information as always. NF
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin ~ A reread for me and I'm angling to read the positive birth stories in the second half of the book. I highly recommend both this book and GT Breastfeeding - I own both. NF
The Year After Childbirth by Sheila Katzinger ~ This book has excellent information about how birthing a baby can decimate your sleep, health, pelvic floor, sex life, etc. It's not a bad book exactly (although it stretched the "older" mom label to 28yos?!), but I could not find it encouraging or positive. I also thought it would be a how-to guide on newborns - my mistake. NF
Your Pregnancy for the Father-to-Be by Glade Curtis, MD ~ Has sat on C's bedside table for a week and a half. Probably won't be read anytime soon. Because he cares a lot, but books are not his method of inputting information. Do you think they make a glossy magazine for fathers-to-be that have pregnancy/birth/newborn info interspersed with Jeep/axle/the best rear locker for you buck articles? That I could see him reading. NF
Twenty three books over five months isn't much, but I can't recall any more off of the top of my head. I've been reading lots of blogs and articles and have watched at least five seasons of Project Runway and some funny/thinker shows on Hulu (New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, Parks and Rec, Fringe, etc.). C has asked me, multiple times to stay away from books and other media that will bother me even more (is that possible?) in my highly hormonal state, so I've mostly obliged. Because you all knew that I am huge with child, right?
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5 years ago